Monday, July 25, 2011

Free Common Sense!

This morning while doing my regular routine of reading news stories and putting myself in a bad mood before the day even begins It occurred to me how stupid people are…just like it does every day. But this was specifically enticed by the acts of those who feel the need to state things such as “Free Charles Manson”..or in more modern terms “Free Big Sneezy” or whatever gangster name so have you. I remember a Murder case a few months back and the kid actually confessed then all I read on his facebook wall was how there was no way he’d do it and he needed to be freed. Really? I mean how effing stupid can you be?! If you are not old enough to drink and you are out robbing and killing people fuck freeing him can we fry him now before he takes another innocent life? Then there are those in for drug possession…my favorite. Why even lie about being innocent? Take it like a man, serve your time like a man and get the hell off the pipe. This whole “thug” lifestyle is so beyond me. Who goes out of their way to look like they just crawled out of the sewer and talk like it too, that would be 25% of the people I went to school with. Yes you are so cool, talking about how you get money and are so gangster…but according to your facebook info you are working at Kroger, yeah you go really hard, helping old ladies out with their groceries and such. I guess I just missed at what point it was thought to be cool to be a failure. If your aspiration in life is to sell drugs and live at your Moms you have some serious issues. If hard work to you is robbing another innocent human who slaved away for whatever you are taking, you deserve to be worm food. Every time I read about a criminal getting killed in the act I smile and my heart aches with joy. When cops beat kids who are running from them for a crime they obviously just committed I think, “You have night sticks, why are you using your hands?!” I am at a loss as to how people make up excuses for criminals, it’s never those people getting robbed and it should be so maybe it would sink in that even if the little thug is misunderstood youth maybe we shouldn’t sugar coat punishment because him shooting people isn’t so nice after all. Luckily I deleted everyone off my facebook who TyPEd LYK dis because frankly it made me want to cry to know those people were of age to reproduce little illiterate spawns. Looking like you slam your face into the keyboard to put words together is not cool, it’s depressing. Is it really so hard just to use that little bit of knowledge you had to soak up in public school? I remember sitting next to you in 2 nd grade and you didn’t write like that…do you have a neurodegenerative disease?

I’ve got to say this, I know I shouldn’t but hey…its my blog so if you don’t like it that little “x” is up there for a reason. Black people. If I have to read one more time about how someone is getting beat because they’re black I am going to explode. I can’t remember the last time I was walking with an African American and a cop just ran up and started hitting them but according to the news media it happens ALL THE TIME. Apparently being black is an excuse to killing and robbing AND raping ( I don’t know if any of you are following the case in Cleveland). Now I know this isn’t the case for every dark skinned criminal but you know those cases aren’t interesting to ABC13 so I am only blessed to read about the ones where Quannel X is involved. I don’t care what color you are, red, white, purple, orange or blue, it is absolutely not okay to kill people or rob them. A defense shouldn’t be the cops are racist even though they have substantial evidence and numerous witnesses they only arrested me because I’m Jewish. The same goes for mental stability, you were crazy enough once to kill someone and I’m sorry you had a bad day and that’s the only way you can cope but how about jail for the rest of your life. God only knows every woman with a menstrual cycle can claim insanity these days and get a few years of counseling and they’re off the hook. My point here is, please do not be an idiot. If your friend broke the law accept it and don’t encourage their release back into public because actions have consequences and they were obviously doing something wrong. I don’t care if you say the 10 lbs of coke they were snorting wasn’t there’s, if you put yourself even in that situation then I have no sympathy for you when you get locked up. Grow up, get a real job and try to better yourself instead of being a worthless nobody pretending like he’s king. Nobody is buying that and yo mama ain’t proud. I don’t care how the “streets” made you.

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