Monday, July 11, 2011

Dear Mr. Jason Aldean....

To whom it may concern:

  Today whilst listening to the radio I noted your song was the number one the city of Houston at least and obviously they meant the number one downloaded country song because I'm sure with our general population the Black Eyed Peas downloads are blowing yours out of the water. However, if those urban youth listened to your poorly constructed verses they very well may have been able to relate more so than they thought. For starters I just want to say the chorus is wonderful, well written and catchy. I like it. Now, if any other part of the song didn't make me want to go to an AA meeting I would give it a thumbs up. Lets start by examining your "rap skills". No sir. Just stop. I'm slightly concerned you had a 4th grader help you with the lyrics, they are absolutely dreadful. Its like a mad libs except not nearly as amusing or cleverly put together. Aside from that just flat out sucking I have a more serious concern I think we need to I understand that the dirt road you're on may not have traffic on it but I am appalled  by the fact that you have an ice cold beer sitting in the console, shame on you Mr. Aldean, glamorizing carrying alcohol in a vehicle and I can only assume you're drinking it. MADD would be so upset with you! Teaching our youth that that's okay, its not okay, drinking and driving kills people! And if memory lane is in your headlights you most definitely do not need the distraction of beer because those memories darting across the road are distracting enough and you do not need your reaction time slowed not to mention the song is a big enough wreck without that. I hope you have a wonderful life and please, seek help, there are others like you and they meet weekly and support each other. You can beat alcoholism, you can make a difference!



  1. LOL! Oh Kayla, I absolutly love this!

  2. Lol, I hate HIM singing this song! But, it was actually colt Ford who did it originally. I am not defending aldean at all, I wish he would stick to his own, repetitive sounding songs.

  3. Lol! I found out it was a cover the next day! I had no idea!!!!

  4. Haha, it is still terrible and the lyrics sound like people were drunk (probably) when it was written. Not the best lol
