Friday, September 30, 2011


Ah Snap. Today has been interesting in so many different ways. Let’s start it out with this, “that awkward moment you see the people that’s blocked on your facebook in person” <-that was one of my friends statuses on Wednesday…I read it and laughed…and then today I actually got to live that awkward moment. You don’t know whether to say Hi or ignore them or what. For the record I was polite and said Hi, it’s not her fault that I’m easily annoyed and short tempered. I did what was best for all parties. Anywhoo, as if that wasn’t enough ridiculousness for one day of course I have to have drama on my facebook, why wouldn’t I?! Everyone is so touchy. For the record, if you do something and it ends up all over the news you can’t really get upset when people bring it up, because after all it was broadcasted to the whole city, not just people you know. I think a good rule of thumb Is that if you don’t want the world knowing about it, try not to put yourself in that position…I know that can’t always be done realistically but it’s just a passing thought. Enough of that mess now on to what I want to talk about today!

“A good marriage in my opinion is based on partnership, not ownership. Some women obviously just have no business sense. Back to the kitchen with you!”

Just a few words my brain produced whilst thinking about women who worship their men. And don’t misunderstand me when I say “worship” because I adore my Husband…and on occasions I tell him he’s a God…but that’s a bit personal. What I mean when I use it in the above statement is what happens when a woman does that thing where the only thing in life is him. Air? Who needs it! I have a man! A job? Who needs it! I would rather wash his clothes! A life? Who needs it! I just live to make him happy!

Excuse me when I say: Fuck. That.

I respect a woman who would jump through hoops to make her man happy, good for you! However, I have no respect for a woman who lets a man control her, as I shouldn’t since she’s putting herself on servant level and not proud living creature level. Hell even my dog has more respect for herself than that. If making your man happy is what makes you happy then more power to you but I personally am not much of a gambler when it comes to my future. When you start living and breathing for another person then in turn you stop living and breathing for yourself. When you constantly worry about what’s going to make him happy you lose the things that make you happy. I’m not saying that every relationship fails but if it comes to the point where that one does then you have nothing, you put yourself in a situation to lose everything. How can any woman be proud of that? Do you know who makes decisions for me? I do. Of course being married and having respect for my husband I do confide in him when I need it but in the end I do what’s best for us, not because I was told to do it but because I thought for myself. When a decision is made we do it together. Household chores? We do them together. Is it my job to come home and cook for him while he sits on the couch? Hell no. When I come home and cook after 9 hours at work ts not because I feel obligated, it is because I’m a Mother and Wife and I want to feed my family and make them happy. We do things together and help each other, because that’s what love is. Love isn’t giving in and letting go of your dreams to make the other person happy, love is helping each other achieve those dreams and supporting one another every step of the way. Does my Husband control my actions? No. If he has a problem with something he discusses it with me and we go from there. At no point in time will anyone but me and the United States Government dictate what I can and can’t do. If I choose not to, yet again it is because I respect him. If you tell me “No” I will respond with “watch me”. If you he asks me not to, then I will take the feelings to heart and agree with him as I would assume he was looking out for me and the family. I respect him as a person and as an equal. Now if I hear “but my man won’t let me do that” one more time I swear I’m going to slap a Bitch. And I mean “bitch” with all the love in the world. If you’re not going to do something don’t not do it because he told you No, do it because you discussed it and respect his wishes. Is it really so hard to think for yourself? Get out there and live, be something that YOU can be proud of. This isn’t 1950, the kitchen is for experimental counter sex, not making him a sandwich. In this day and age we grow up being told we can be whatever we want to be, I never wanted to be a servant and I tell you right now the only people I will ever act as a slave to are my children and that’s because let’s face it, kids are the ultimate little dictators. If I get yelled at to make a sandwich by my daughter you better believe I’ll be asking her if she wants it cut in halves or fours because I fear the intense wrath of an unhappy 3 year old. But being a parent and being a partner are 2 different things. Those children are a part of me whether I like it or not, they are extensions of my body. A man will fit well like a puzzle piece but unlike a limb attached to a body, a puzzle piece can be removed from a board easily. The sooner a woman learns to stand up and think for herself and live for her less likely she is to have a hidden drinking problem at the age of 50.

Remember, would you rather be an employee or a co-owner? You could be the person flipping the burgers or the person that makes $500 every time that burger is flipped.


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