Monday, September 12, 2011

Keep on Creepin' on.

I am really, really starting to worry about myself. I can remember a time..probably almost 6 years ago...when I genuinely cared about pretty much every other human being. I was not bias or judgemental, I did not care what political party they backed and little smart ass comments went right over my head. I miss that naive girl. She was enjoyable, she was sweet and innocent.

She was a total push over.

Looking back, I would have thought her weak. She was everything I strive not to her defense she was a child in almost every way. Eventually you get tired of having nothing, of being nothing. I had a decent personality but I kept it to myself and a close knit group of friends. Sadly, I am not friends with barely any of those people anymore and even more sadly I am totally okay with that. I just can't get over how holier than thou that I've become, I sincerely want to tell certain people what they're doing wrong in the least sensitive way possible on the daily. How cruel is that? I'm not like that deep inside yet I have to keep my fingers from typing profanities regularly. It really is because I care, if I didn't then I would gloat over their misery and in no way want to help them improve anything. Then there are moments when I just want to give someone a hug, to tell them that its going to be okay and give them every ounce of me that I can. Its just so hard when I think someone has a self inflicted problem or is plain out making bad choices. No one is going to tell them they're wrong. How can anyone ever learn if no one ever tells them that they are headed down the wrong path? I mean I'm not a road map but if you're ruining your own life to the point where its obvious to the whole world, someone needs to say something, for your own sake. I know I'm not perfect, in fact I know more than anyone else in the world just how imperfect I am. You have no idea. I know I'm not always right and I know just because I believe something down to my core doesn't make it right for everyone and even for myself. I truly do keep an open mind. I just cannot stand blatant ignorance (then again, who can?) but I know at times I too am probably completely idiotic sounding although I try to filter the things I say to avoid that. There are certain times I completely lie for the better good, like when people get pregnant and its obviously not a good thing, It irritates me.. a lot...but then I think about it, it's not my life and it can't be undone so why not be happy for the person? Its a blessing in disguise, sure the kid may not get the ideal childhood but that doesn't mean it won't be happy. I grew up unprivileged and I turned out fine, I loved my childhood, I didn't know any different. Now my kids, my kids are going to be spoiled and well educated and I shouldn't shun people who didn't do things by the books (I had a kid at 18 and unmarried for Heavens sake) because they may be perfectly happy with how their lives are...I realize not everyone is as hard to please as I am. Anyone can be anything if they try hard enough, even in the toughest situations and I know that if someone wants something bad enough that they will get it.

Now politics, I don't have much wiggle room there, if you're an idiot when it comes to politics...well that just sucks, I can't change that or even justify it in my head aside from reminding myself that its not for everyone. Now I will tell you what gets on my nerves, you know on facebook where you can put your political beliefs? Of course you do...well I read the DUMBEST SHIT on those...I will go look for some real examples right now actually...please hold..Now keep in mind these are real, I straight copied and pasted...which actually may be illegal but oh well.

"Anything but Obama"
"politics aint shit mayne"
"Screw Obama"
"Who cares."

Sadly I couldn't find the more ridiculous ones due to Facebooks new security settings and options to hide different things. Fail. But back to my point.... Really? I mean politics only effect EVERY aspect of your little ungrateful life. Some people are so, so, SO very stupid. And they broadcast it for the world to see. I mean do what everyone else is doing right now and just don't put anything...or if you're going to spout out stupid and occasionally racist things then please pick up a paper or watch the news every now and then so you can have some actual footing for an argument. Please....pretty please?

Oh yes, another thing, I see lots of hypocrisy these days. I'm hypocritical about a lot of things myself unintentionally but most people don't know when I'm being hypocritical, one of those kinda do as I say not as I do type things...yet again generally because I care and know what I'm doing/did is not ideal. But don't make a public argument about something as if you don't do it...Example: I hate when Mom's go out all the time! and then you post EVERY NIGHT where you're drinking at. Holy shit...take a look in the mirror, you are out doing exactly what you bash other women for possibly with the bitches you were talking about. Do not pretend to be a Saint and then take pictures of you acting like trailer trash. Now, there is nothing wrong with going out and having a good time, most of us are of age adults and just because you have kids doesn't mean your life is totally over but there's a difference in being an adult about it and acting like trash. Just ugh, its so nasty. I mean I think its trashy to party all the time period but if you have a kid(s), seriously, re-evaluate because you've got your priorities ALL wrong. Real talk. And if you're 18 drinking every have a problem, I was 18 once.....that was still trashy then. I mean, come one you're ruining your liver before you're even old enough to buy your own alcohol. Don't get me wrong, on my 17th Birthday I was wasted, but that was one night not 5 times a week every week. Get it together, don't be a bar whore, you're better than that. Plus I heard that STD's are running rampid these don't want crotch rot from some drunk one night stand! Silly girls. One day, hopefully, they will grow up and realize how much time they wasted in which case I will hug them and welcome them [back] to the real world. And for the record, if you're a 20-something and just really do want to party every night and have managed to not reproduce, GET IT GIRL! Enjoy being young and not having responsibilities! :) Seriously, because one day you probably will and theres no need to grow up before you have to. You lucky dog, you!

Hmmm...what else can I vent about tonight? I could have gone one about partying Mom's for hours...but we all do that via Facebook regularly anyway :)

Oh I know.


Do you ever get a friend request from someone you have never talked to but you have mutual friends with.....they be creeeeepin. I creep. I creep on the regular...on my friends of course! Apparently I suck at it these days because I miss all kinds of stuff and later I hear "didn't you read that, I posted it on facebook?!" Excuse me for not checking your particular newsfeed every day.. I mean Its not like I have a life or something. Anyway, I get requests from girls all the time, girls I hate or better yet girls I've deleted and they just realized it because they were trying to look at my profile. Ha, bitch, gotcha. When I notice someone deleted me I don't try to add them again, I block that b*tch. But obviously some people really don't have lives. My favorite is people I don't like, I like to message them and say "do I know you?" because then they just feel stupid. No one expects you to question them, you see I've thought this out. And I know we've all added people to look at their stuff, I've done it, you've done it...hell your Mom's probably done it. But, some people have some serious creepin' issues, it is not necessary to add every girl your man adds or every person you say one word to. I mean what is so interesting about someone else's life to where you have to sit there and read every status they've ever posted and go through every picture. It's just not healthy. If you don't know me then why do you want to see what's going on in my shouldn't care and if you do care then you should be my friend...or go to stalkers anonymous. Its also not healthy to send someone a friend request and then another and another because you can't figure out why they're not adding you, they must be playing duck, duck, goose with you're requests, they'll give in eventually. <--that shit is way unhealthy. If someone doesn't want to be your friend then why they hell would you want to be friends with them?! You have some serious self worth issues and congratulations you are a super creeper. (that scenario is 100% real I actually had a girl send me not 1, 2, 3 or even 4 requests but FIVE requests before I blocked her).

Well, I'm all typed out and could barely proof-read due to my lack of excuse any gramatical errors, I will fix them at a later more alert time.
Until next time, stay happy, stay healthy and keep reading :)

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