Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

This is most definitely true, there is not one person in this world that someone, somewhere doesn’t find attractive. We all have different tastes and preferences, some of us have none at all. This week I have seen two rather interesting examples of people and size discrimination, one being a photo Victoria Secret posted to their Facebook page of a model in a pair of undies and another being a repost by a friend of a plus size model who was also rather scantily clad. Both grown women, both having brunette hair, both in my eyes absolutely beautiful.

Obviously my opinion was far off from many users of the social networking site. You see when any idiot can hide behind a little icon with a picture of an inanimate object in it they tend to be the first to throw stones, after all who’s going to do anything to them? It’s just the internet. If I could throw that cucumber in their picture right at their hateful presumably ugly face I would. Below the picture of the Vicky S model, the comments were just awful. Comments ranged from “go eat a burger” to “she has to be anorexic” and of course there were people calling her “beautiful” and “sexy” also, but the arguments raged amongst the commenters who were spouting out things such as “you’re just jealous” to “ this is why girls develop eating disorders, they have to live up to America’s standards.” It was all one giant mess. I commented, of course and although it was full of wisdom one thing I learned years ago is that no matter how powerful simple logic is there will always be people out there too obnoxious to even begin to absorb it. As I scrolled through the 1000 comments I couldn’t help but get angry. No one and I mean absolutely NO ONE has any room to criticize another human being for their appearance. No one is picture perfect, models are not even picture perfect, every time you’re looking at a magazine full of perfectly shaped breasts and toned tummies I want you to thank Photoshop for its wonders and abilities. So this poor girl, who could possibly be the sweetest person in the world, is being criticized for looking too thin when in reality she’s probably not THAT small, it’s whatever sales. In this case you’re broadcasting a picture to millions of people and as I said earlier, haters love to hate. So as if seeing a skinny girl being torn down wasn’t bad enough I had a friend post a picture of a plus sized model with a story attached about a sign in a gym asking if this summer gym goers want to be “whales or mermaids”. Well I for one plan to be human this summer but that’s just me. The story was sweet and I understand where whomever wrote it was coming from even though it did do slightly what it was defending against. It compared Whales to Mermaids, whales (larger women) getting the upper hand while mermaids (smaller women) were said to have had personality disorders and have nothing appealing beyond the skin pretty much. Well as you can imagine the comments on this original picture were just as harsh as the ones on the Victoria Secret post. She was called things from “Fatty” (Oh I bet that one cut deep, now please return to your desk and continue coloring, little Timmy!) to actually being referred to as a Whale. It is completely beyond me why anyone would feel hateful things necessary to even say in either case. We all have opinions but some should definitely never make it past our cranium.

What didn’t so much surprise me is it seemed a lot of the judgment was coming from men. Oh men, you are all so perfect none of you are too fat or too skinny, too ugly or too stupid. But women, please refer to us indirectly every chance you get as one of the above. Now obviously not every man is like this, I actually personally know very few that are and that’s because I would never associate with a pompous asshole. However, there were women being just as nasty as the men. Women that I am sure would be hurt if someone judged them just as they were judging these girls.

The truth is no matter how hard you try someone out there is going to tell you you’re not good enough. I for one have been told I am too thin and I have seen women who are perfectly healthy be told they are too thick. You know what I have to say to those people who say such things? Shut your judgmental, foul, uneducated, inconsiderate mouth. Everyone has beauty in them, no matter how large or how thin. There are occasions when you are LEGITIMTELY concerned with someone’s health that it’s okay to say, “Hey, I really don’t want to see you hurt yourself, please let’s get some help.” But telling her she looks like she’s eating too much or too little is no one’s business but hers and as long as SHE feels beautiful and of course healthy then that’s all that matters. Women are all built different for different reasons; we are all unique in our own wonderful ways. Just because you don’t find someone attractive does not mean that they are not perfect in someone else’s eyes. I don’t care if you’re a size 0 or a size 16, you indeed are beautiful because you were put on this earth as a capable woman. You have hips that were meant to bore children, breasts that were meant to feed them and compassion which was meant to nurture them. No matter what anyone says or thinks, that’s what makes you beautiful, the fact that you have a pecial purpose that no man nor woman can change. How can someone not find beauty in that? How can anyone think that something built so specifically is unattractive?

So my Dear friends, I leave you with this: You are absolutely beautiful, in every single way. No matter how you think others feel about you or what they say remember this, that the most beautiful part of us is our soul, our personality, the radiance of our smiles and as long as you are confident in yourself you are invincible. Those who judge others based on their outer shell are indeed very rotten people inside and no matter how attractive they think themselves on the outside NO ONE likes an apple with a rotten core.

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