Sunday, August 28, 2011

If you Lust, My Darling.

If there was ever a feeling I wish I could put into words it would be the feeling of attraction and the raw power of lust. If it was an emotion, it would be love. They just have such a strong thick consistancy, it fills your whole body. I can imagine everyone feels it at some point in life, some of us with just one person and some others feel it more than once...its what the good old romances are made of.

Its walking up to a doorway with a man a few steps behind you, he's reaching playfully for your hand and you laugh nervously. You progress up the walkway and suddenly you can feel every nerve in your body firing off like fireworks on the Fourth of July. As you approach the door your breathing becomes shallow as you can feel his presence draw closer and the heat of his body is all but right against your back.

This is the moment I wish I could condense into a fragrance and place in a bottle. It would sit it upon a shelf awaiting a quiet moment when I could pull out the cork and just inhale. It would take me back, I would be able to feel the moment just as it was. For a brief second, I would be full of flawless lust. Sex is of course human nature, but lust, lust is something much more complex.

You're standing there face to face just inches apart. The magnetism of the moment is drawing you closer together, you can feel it in your chest. The urge to leap is strong and its running wild throughout your whole body; it's in your blood. Yet, somehow as if defying everything you are feeling your body is frozen, unsure of the perfect next move. Every move he makes draws you further in, his lips are just within your reach and your arms are aching to be around him. One of you is bound to give into the pull. His hand rests upon the side of your face, his palm gently brushing your jawline. The attraction is embraced and the polar opposites collide. Bodies pull close in a rush of adrenaline, its what you were waiting for. Lust.

Lying on the couch, your feet are draped over his lap; he rubs them thoughtlessly, its more of a reflex now. Everything is calm and content. Your mind wonders away from where you are, back to a time much like this one where he said something sweet and the same little shocks you felt in your chest then are now errupting in a manner that is equally as intoxicating in the here and now. You draw your feet back to you and lean up and kiss him. His eyes are as kind as they've always been and everything inside of you makes you want to melt right into his skin. There is nothing that could make you close enough. The desire you have for him comes from deep inside, its untraceable and unexplainable. It comes naturally and effortlessly. Your heart is full and you feel as though it may leap out of your chest and up through your throat. Its as if every wrong in the world was just made right simply by your skin touching his. All that you want and need can be found here, within him. Love.

Anyone can lust, its a raw and primal thing. Unmistakably one of the most strong feelings a human can experience and quite possibly my favorite. However, loving goes a lot deeper. The attraction it brings comes from a different part of you, a part that is attracted in so many ways and runs deeper than you or I could imagine. When caught in a moment lust can feel a lot like love, hell it can feel a lot like whatever your brain wants to justify it as just as long as the guy on the other end is unbottoning those just-right jeans of his. However, I do find it important to know the difference and stay concious of each unique situation. Of course you can lust over someone you love, too. But, there is a real difference in situation that harbors strictly physical chemistry and one that goes beyond just the sheets.

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