Monday, July 30, 2012

You Just got Taylor Swift-ed.

So, I haven’t had coffee, I’m tired, I had to drive in Houston traffic this morning and it’s Monday. I would say it’s pretty safe to assume I’m cranky. On top of all of this, I am stewing thoughts in my head. I would like to say I am the kind of person who can let things go, but occasionally I am the total opposite. I hold on to shit like it’s a rope and I am dangling above a pit full of conspiracists….I’m practically holding on for dear life. So, I am about to go all Taylor Swift.

That’s right. This one is for you.

People never cease to amaze me. I’m just going into full disclosure mode here: I am a woman, ergo I am allowed crazy woman moments. I can over react and I can get mad about stupid things. Why you may ask? Because I have a vagina, that’s why. If I want to spend an hour crying because for some ungodly reason no one offers just a normal fruit smoothie, then I reserve that right. Not everyone is on a diet or needs crack mixed with their strawberries, Thirstys! If you don’t know this about me I suppose I will go ahead and put it out here….I am bad at break ups. I am mean, and I cold, and generally I regret it a whopping 5 minutes later. But, sometimes shit just has to end. Now, I am in no way perfect but if anything I would like to think I am a good friend. I am the kind of person who would give the clothes off of my back to help someone else, and realistically I hate that. I would much rather be a heartless bitch, but you know…here I am…crying about other people’s problems and what-not. It happens. What I do however get tired of is friendships that are fairly one sided. I know I shouldn’t expect things from people - but I do. If I am going to put 100% into a relationship, I would like it back….or at least some of it. I am very much a girl who needs a best friend. Pathetic? Possibly…but none the less, it is known. So imagine how distraught I am to have gone through not two, but THREE best friends in a matter of a few years. The best part? Aside from the most recent I am at a total loss as to what happened with them, so I wrote it off as people grow up and change. Oh change…currently my favorite little chapter in the book of “What to do after no longer being Kayla’s Best friend”. I don’t even know where to begin with this…or what to keep to myself. I am walking on thin ice here…alas, I am doing what I swore I wouldn’t do and blogging. Meh. That’s all I have to say about that. I know I will get a slap on the wrist but occasionally I like a little spanking, add some hair pulling and I’m in Heaven!
Facebook. Ye Olde Booke O’ Faces. Dramabook. You’reasuperwhore book. Cuntbook. Scroll Scroll Scroll….biblicalquotesoyoumustbeChristianBook. ILovemyhusbandBook. Ihateeveryonebook. IdontknowhowImadeitoutofkindergartenwithoutlearningthedifferencebetweenlettersandnumbersBook.
Such a versatile little thing. You know, I would like more people if I didn’t know them on Facebook. Because as much as I respect people’s opinions, occasionally reading them really pisses me off. Generally I back away slowly and just forget it because I am certain not all people agree with me and mine. But when you are being blatantly stupid, I am going to say something. Even if it’s condescending and indirect, it’s going to happen. I would like to personally thank Facebook for my most recent break up. Me and another girl, who was rather fucking stupid might I add, had a disagreement which bothered my..partner…so low and behold she got mad at me, blah blah blah, and decided that not being a good friend would be the appropriate way to handle that. So, when I was at a point where I really needed a friend she left me high and dry. Something for the record, that I have never done to her…or ANY of my friends. So pretty much, yes, Fuck you. Sadly I still stand by that…I’m sure one day I’ll get over it but it is definitely still a Fuck you. Even if I miss her. So, I will just put that behind me now and move on. There are plenty of other girls who also enjoy  shopping, gossip, dinners, social events and being gay. Oh yeah…being gay…that’s what started all of this! I forgot to mention that, apparently, and you didn’t hear this from me, but God hates gays. At least that’s what I heard through the grapevine….and suddenly, certain people really love God…and Chic Fil A…which is fine, except a month ago, I think that would have gone a different direction. So yeah. All of that hatred, very holy of you and all. Please, tell me more about how “Christian” you are…because as we know, gay marriage, God hates that but premarital sex? I am certain he will make an exception for you! After all, the lord does forgive. Unless you’re gay, in which case, clearly you will be joining me in hell, since I don’t hate gays. Well…that was a run on. But I feel better getting that off my chest and on to the internet where everyone can read it and talk about what a horrible person I am for being tolerant. Disclosure number 2 of this blog: If you don’t agree with my beliefs, don’t read them. This is my personal blog so If I want to write a porn on here, I can do that! Yay for freedom of speech. And for the record, I completely understand and support peoples conservative Christian views, its not those that bother me….I have friends who really do not care for Homosexual folk at all, and I know that and we just avoid the subject, we’re still friends. But, when you suddenly start humping a bible to prove some kind of point, hell yes I am going to call your bluff. Anyway…that’s enough of that….soooooooo someday I’ll be living in a big ol’ city and all you’re ever gonna be Is mean….

Just saying. Rant. Over.

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