Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Someone Woke up on the Wrong Side of the Bed...

You know how you shouldn't drink and drive? Well I probably shouldn't PMS and blog...but, hey, shit happens. I've actually been kind of avoiding this guy right here because it offends some people and what not...but today, I need to vent about oh, so much. I would like to start by thanking three specific people, the car from New Mexico that was on West Lake this morning going 10 miles under the speed limit, The Cadillac that pulled out in front of me on the feeder to the belt and proceeded to not only pull all the way over into my lane while the other 2 lanes that he could have pulled in were empty but to slow down and practically stop when he realized what an idiot he was, and lastly the honda civic on the bridge that was in the left lane going 30. Can I get a round of applause for these winners? I can only assume most folks out this time of the morning are on their way to I expect increased speed levels and some fucking consideration. I don't even know what they're thinking, at what point is someone like "Hey, I know I should stop before a right turn on red but I think I'm just going to Dukes of Hazard this shit and pull out in front of the only vehicle thats passing right now!" Clearly thats a terrific idea. He's lucky I don't have a grill guard because I tell you what I would have tore that Cadillac's ass up like a prostitute on prom night had I not risked damaging my pretty grill. So yeah...maybe I'm a little cranky now. This is month 2 of PMS = homicidal rage. I know I will feel better when I'm more awake and start listening to some nice soft relaxing music but as for right now...I'm just going to spill some inner thoughts..ready?

Now, I would like to think I keep my southern lady-like composure most of the time..occasionally, like now, I could probably be a little more classy but over all I have learned to keep my thoughts to myself along with my foul opinions. Its just more socially acceptable that way. But, girls, some of you need a wake up call. For starters lets work on vocabulary, if you can't spell perhaps you should avoid typing until you can pass a grade school composition class and for gods sake, do not have children until you have the mentality of someone older than 12. Also, do not call yourself a Mother if you spend more time partying than with your child and do not call yourself classy if you carry yourself like a bar whore. Offended by any of this? Perhaps you should take a second look at your lifestyle. Get your act together, seriously. Unless you realize what you're doing in which case...all right...proceed. There is a middle ground with being a young parent, you don't have to give up life, but, you do need to remember that you did decide to have a kid and those things do need to be taken care of; like a puppy or a house plant. Or theres always the other whatever the hell you want but lets just not post it on THATS an idea. Because like it or not everyone is constantly judging everyone else based on social networking. Its like watching daytime television, you just sit back and watch the drama unfold. I'm guilty of it on both ends...but at least I realize it I suppose. I somewhat hate the internet. I couldn't live without it but I really wish my generation had more snap than to expose the things we do for the public eye. I do remember reading a study a few weeks back on how "over sharing" stimulated the same parts of the brain as sexual arousal. How interesting...but, that explains why some girls are more prone to it, ifyouknowwhatImean.

It just occurred to me that I have practically no idea who reads this. I mean, I know people do....but I just don't really know who. So, I will take a moment to apologize for my language, if it offended you. This blog was always meant to be rather rough and tumble and was for things I didn't want to "over share" on facebook. I am well aware my grandmother would not approve. But, other people eat it up and, golly, someone has to say it!

Now, for my next topic of business: Bitches be hatin'. With the over sharing on facebook comes the ability to post these fantastic statuses which is cool when you're like "Aw, my kids is so cute" but when you're like "No one cares that your kid is cute", its not cool. That is what we on planet earth call "passive-aggressive". While occasionally its acceptable, if everything you post is passive aggressive we've got a whole other boat of problems; one of them clearly being that you need to grow some balls. More over, people aren't stupid a majority of the time I'm sure who your talking about know you're referring you them. I for instance am well aware that if I post a status saying how much I like Tiffany's new jewelry line and then 5 minutes later you post a status saying "really T&co? (insert  unnecessary comment)" clearly I know you were trolling and then hating on me..for having taste of all things. Oh, another kind I like, the "thats not a status" status. If I post how happy I am about something and then 2 minutes later a bitch posts "if I read one more of those" clearly, I can tell you be hatin'. Yes I got ghetto. And to top it off...thats not even a status...thats like a response. "eating a sandwich" now that is a status, "no one cares" is not a status. Go stand in a corner with the illiterate girls who make me think that schools are just handing out diplomas.

Well, I think thats enough for now. Oh yes, and shout out to my friends! They had my back this week!!! To a very extreme point...but, it definitely made me realize how lucky I am to have such wonderful people in my life. I love you guys, seriously!  I don't say that as much as I should. And for anyone looking for a pick-me-up today, I am sorry...I hope I at least got you to crack a smile at my frustrations.

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