Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I am Woman, hear me purr.

In moments of weakness I remember that strength is within me. I take to heart that there is not one challenge in life that I will be confronted with that I cannot both defeat and learn from. When I feel a cloud of sadness above my head I will not drown in the fact that I am hurting, I will instead embrace the fact that I was blessed with the ability to feel such strong emotions and I will know in my heart that a smile will once again grace my lips. As a woman I will be aware of my abilities to brighten the lives of others, be it through friendship, love or motherhood and I will do my best every single day to do so. In times when things feel as if they are too much to take and everything in life is going wrong I will hold my head high and keep in mind that the only person who controls me is in fact me and I will push on and eventually will once again come out on top. I will embrace the moments that love makes me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world and I will hold them in my heart for times when I need a little encouragement. In moments when a man may make me feel like I am not worthy I will look back to a time when I was all he ever wanted and I will smile because I know I will have that again and that he is little but a stepping stone. It is all too true that if someone can not appreciate you at your worst they do not in fact deserve you at your best. I will do my best to do right by others, even when done wrong to. I will remember that the world is not perfect just as I am not and that each set back will eventually be accompanied by a moment of happiness and accomplishment. I will accept that regrets are part of life and a vital tool for learning and although I cannot change the past I can keep myself from making the same mistakes in the future. Every day  I will remind myself of this:

I am strong. I am in control. I am happy. I am smart. I am beautiful. I will do all the things in life I want, no one is holding me back. I am a woman.

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