Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I am Woman, hear me purr.

In moments of weakness I remember that strength is within me. I take to heart that there is not one challenge in life that I will be confronted with that I cannot both defeat and learn from. When I feel a cloud of sadness above my head I will not drown in the fact that I am hurting, I will instead embrace the fact that I was blessed with the ability to feel such strong emotions and I will know in my heart that a smile will once again grace my lips. As a woman I will be aware of my abilities to brighten the lives of others, be it through friendship, love or motherhood and I will do my best every single day to do so. In times when things feel as if they are too much to take and everything in life is going wrong I will hold my head high and keep in mind that the only person who controls me is in fact me and I will push on and eventually will once again come out on top. I will embrace the moments that love makes me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world and I will hold them in my heart for times when I need a little encouragement. In moments when a man may make me feel like I am not worthy I will look back to a time when I was all he ever wanted and I will smile because I know I will have that again and that he is little but a stepping stone. It is all too true that if someone can not appreciate you at your worst they do not in fact deserve you at your best. I will do my best to do right by others, even when done wrong to. I will remember that the world is not perfect just as I am not and that each set back will eventually be accompanied by a moment of happiness and accomplishment. I will accept that regrets are part of life and a vital tool for learning and although I cannot change the past I can keep myself from making the same mistakes in the future. Every day  I will remind myself of this:

I am strong. I am in control. I am happy. I am smart. I am beautiful. I will do all the things in life I want, no one is holding me back. I am a woman.

If These Walls Could Talk.

I place little stock in walls which will one day talk,
My faith lies not in the hope of the future but in the patterns of the past.
Stories that are told of a distant time may put a smile on my face and bring a tear to my eye,
But stories of tomorrow as happy as they may be are little but promises, that we hope to one day see.
To touch it, to feel it, to taste it; that’s real. To wish it and dream it is little but ideals.
I plan not to live in the past but to embrace today, and hope for tomorrow, although happen not, it may.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Love For Sale.

You can say things a million times, “I’m a winner, I’m a winner, I’m a winner” but words are not the same as feeling the actual emotion. “I’m leaving, I’m leaving, I’m leaving.” It’s so easy to say. Just rolls right off the tongue. It was even easy to do at first…to take a step out of the door. I stayed a close distance and enjoyed the breeze and hearing the birds sing. A taste of freedom and a breath of fresh air. As long as that door was cracked, I was okay. I pondered returning inside a few times, after all there is no place like home but each time I was reminded that beyond the manicured dusted blinds and beautifully carved door that there was much more than the Better Homes and Gardens image let on. The paint had begun to chip off the walls, the furniture was in need of shampooing, the carpets had seen better days and the old pictures that had once been so amiable were now dusty and lacked all but nostalgia. From the outside, it’s worth a million bucks but beyond the doorstep it was barely worth renovating. Time had taken its toll on the structure, the lack of caring and neglect for maintaining quality was almost painful to look at. In its prime it was beautiful, it was worth envying but now it was worth little more than a sympathetic nod. To think that things can be so beautiful and then end up being so broken is incredibly painful. In the end when people walk past it they note its fading glamour then shake their heads and walk away. People don’t realize it was once so glorious; no one thinks back to the past.Sometimes I can’t help but live there. In my head at times it’s still the wondrous mansion it once was, ready for guests, begging to be admired but then as the fog clears I can see the over grown grass and cracks trailing up the bricks from the foundation. Letting go is never easy. There’s the urge to do it all over, to paint the dining room red, to pull up the carpet and lay down fresh hardwood floors. That won’t fix the foundation though. It may hide the cracks but in the end the floors still creak and the walls are still shifting. An outsider may say, “Why sell it? It has so much potential.” But I suppose that’s easier said than done, they are not putting out the cash to have the house leveled, to have the floors redone. There is a point where it’s just not worth working on because in the end no one wins, you just get further in debt. Then what would I have to show? A pretty exterior? If the house is still unlevel and the foundation is still cracked then all I’m living in is a lie. Something that is pretty for people to look at from the outside but they’re not having to live in it. They are not having to hear the constant creaking or having to slam doors because the frame is now off. It’s not fair to expect someone to live somewhere when they’re unhappy, where no matter how much work they do there is just one problem followed by another. You can replace a door knob and then turn around and the basement is flooded. Along the road there are a many for sale signs, the occasional foreclosure and then there are houses being renovated and flooding with happiness, with graciousness for being offered a second chance. I’ve made my improvements over the years; I have brought up the property value. I have poured blood and sweat into making things picture perfect. But now all I have is defeat. I’m leaving, I’m leaving, I’m leaving. As I glance behind me I see the blackness that falls between the door and the door frame get smaller as the door is being closed completely, I jump a little as I hear it finally slam shut. I can feel my heart ache as I try to take one last mental picture of the home I am leaving behind. I walk out in the yard, hammer and sign in hand and with every ounce of energy I have left I help the picketed sign break the dry ground. For sale is stamped in bold letters. Perhaps what had once made me so happy would eventually make someone else the same way. There was just nothing left there for me. So down the sidewalk I stroll, enjoying the air, enjoying the calm. Coming to terms with the ache, knowing that I would once again find a beautiful house that would welcome me and this homelessness wouldn’t last forever.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Just to Clear the Air.

It really annoys me when I’m online and the ads I’m being suggested are all about wrinkle removal. “This $5 secret for youthful skin has dermatologists angry at this Houston Mom”. Seriously I see that one all the time, generally accompanied by ads saying “Mom makes $7000 a month staying home” and “Car insurance for just $5.08 a month!” So clearly my internet has somehow concluded that: A) I’m 50 with terrible skin, B) Don’t make enough money working at a real job and lastly, C) I am too broke and old/young to afford legit car insurance. Way to Phish, internet. I am however totally glad they started throwing in the “Work at home scheme investigated, you’ll be shocked at what we found.” Yes I am sure the computer virus that I would get from clicking on that link would be just SHOCKING. Sometimes the internet irritates me.

I haven’t blogged in a while….I don’t really want to talk about the things that are really on my mind. At least not yet, there will be a time and a place for that but it is not here and it is not now. It’s kind of hard to keep everything in though, so many different emotions floating around these days. Alas, I will bottle it up and a few months from now I have a feeling I will get quite a few hits as I put my dirty laundry on the table. I’ll probably lose a few friends over it but I suppose if that’s the case then they weren’t really friends in the first place. I think what’s bothering me about it all is all the hush hush beating around the bush stuff, if you have a question then just ask me; don’t ask everyone else. If you want something to talk about I would be more than happy to assist you there, I would just rather facts be floating around versus assumptions and if I choose to inform you that it’s none of your damn business then I would assume you would be bright enough to leave it at that. Curiosity is of course in human nature, I respect that. Today’s social networking capabilities make it all too easy to peer into someone’s personal life. I know how nerve racking it can be to be “out of the loop” but it’s called a PRIVATE life for a reason. I am not even saying there is a story to be told, I just know some people…quite a few… are asking and I’m put off by the lack of questioning me and instead questioning everyone else. Hear-say is tacky.

On another equally depressing note, it’s almost to the anniversary of my mom’s death, again. That is weighing down on me like a ton of rocks. Every time I start to think about it I just want to breakdown. I guess that’s just part of it.

Well, on that note. I’m out.